The I WAS A SLAVE Book Collection

I WAS A SLAVE   is the only book series from the slave narratives
that has been categorized and published by subject matter
so that you easily can find information about specific topics.

Firsthand Accounts of Slavery


When I WAS A SLAVE books were being compiled from the slave narratives, these autobiographies of slaves were merely grouped in alphabetical order by US states or by chosen individual stories. Due to this stockpile of unorganized information about this era of American history (specifically black history or African-American history), finding a significant amount of details about a specific topic from the pages of interviews by the former American slaves was tedious. Now, the narratives are being published by individual subjects in separate books. These history books, remaining in the own words of the former American slaves throughout, are virtually unedited and provide pages of quotes and full life stories primarily about one specific topic, such as slave children, slave breeding, and slave auctions.

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The Compiler

Donna Wyant Howell

is a career historian specializing exclusively in the slave narratives since 1994. Learn more.
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This book series was created to help to fulfill the mission of disseminating the former slaves' words to the world. Wanna help?