Donna Wyant Howell

• a specialized historian with in-depth research experience in the WPA slave narratives, Howell has the unique distinction of being the only known historian who specializes exclusively in the slave narratives on a full-time basis.
• the compiler of The I WAS A SLAVE Book Collection which is available throughout the United States and also in Canada, Great Britain, Germany, The Netherlands, Bermuda, Austria, and Japan. The series is being used as reference books in hundreds of grade schools, junior and high schools, colleges and universities (such as Notre Dame, Howard, Vanderbilt, and others), and public libraries.
• a keynote speaker for programs about her specialized expertise in American history for many federal government agencies, universities, civic and religious organizations, genealogical societies, conventions, and special functions
• an editor and a newspaper columnist who uses the words of the former slaves to write articles distributed to approximately 210 newspapers nationwide
• a special instructor of supplemental American history classes (sponsored by the federal government and universities, including Cornell, Georgetown, Ohio State, James Madison, George Mason, and more) She has conducted these student-participation classes from the junior high school level (ages 11-13 years) through the university level.
• a history consultant and narrator for PBS on "Slavery's Buried Past" and on other television programs about slavery, including the Oprah Winfrey Show (consultant services and books as reference material)
• the National Director of the American Slaves Foundation, which has chapters in 28 states and the District of Columbia and has over 340 volunteer area coordinators throughout the United States:
• an honoree and recipient of special awards:
-- Women of Washington - Special Event (sole honoree)
(past honorees include Mrs. Sadat, former First Lady of Egypt; Dorothy Height; Helen Thomas, former highest-ranking member of the White House press; and singer Patti LaBelle, among others)
-- the US Postal Service Special Award for Black History Month
-- Blacks in Government honoree
-- California State Assembly honoree
-- California State Senate honoree
-- guest of honor and keynote speaker engaged at the request of the Premier (President) of Bermuda for the International African Diaspora Conference, a week-long planning session for dignitaries worldwide
-- and many appreciated awards from governmental agencies, genealogical associations, and history organizations
A graduate of Howard University, she previously was a writer and program director at the executive offices of the Marriott Corporation and an editor at the National Academy of Sciences.

US Congressmember Donna Christensen, Dr. Blakey (Professor and NY African Burial Ground excavation advisor), and Donna Wyant Howell
Howell and I WAS A SLAVE have been featured on NBC, CBS, FOX, ABC, CNN, C-SPAN, Voice of America, PBS, NPR, The Washington Post, and The New York Times; and appeared in hundreds of newspapers, magazines, radio broadcasts, and other national and international outlets.
For information about speaking engagements, supplementary history classes, and conferences or to schedule interviews, please visit