Ohio State University, Portland
Supplementary American History Books
• The District of Columbia Public Schools conducted its mandatory and very rigorous screening process. The review committee passed the books with praises.
• The Virginia Public School System hired Howell to conduct workshops exclusively to teach teachers. The four workshops, lasting two days, were designed to accommodate 50 participants each, but up to 70 teachers crowded themselves into each of the classes -- with some having to sit and stand in the hallway.

• Cornell, Georgetown, Ohio State, George Mason, James Madison, and other universities have availed their students of her specialized supplemental history instruction.
• Grade schools through colleges, such as Howard University, Vanderbilt University, and other libraries, include the books. Teachers use them as reference material, especially for the younger students. A few hundred public and private school teachers nationwide have purchased the books to include in their lesson plans.
• Agencies of the United States government have hired Howell: to teach classes to students aged 11-13, to speak to government employees involved in Equal Employment Opportunity in order to learn about the aftermath of slavery on America, and to conduct panels and workshops with the books as textbooks.

Premier (President) of Bermuda Jennifer Smith and Donna Wyant Howell
International Awareness
International education and awareness continues. The books are being used as supplemental world history textbooks by teachers in Germany and in Vienna, Austria.
At the International African Diaspora Conference, the government of Bermuda brought Ms. Howell to Bermuda for a week to speak and to give her expert advice directly (one-on-one) to international VIPs, including:
The Honorable Jennifer Smith
Premier (President) of Bermuda
The Most Revd. Njongonkulu W.H. Ndungane
Archbishop of Cape Town
The Rt. Hon. Justice Benjamin Mutanga Ito
Supreme Court Justice from Cameroon
The Honorable George W.B. Haley
Former U.S. Ambassador (and brother of Alex Haley)
General Mamadou Mansour Seck
Ambassador of Senegal to the United States
Karen Ford-Warner
Representative of the Caribbean
Bome Bromillow Jeck
Ministry of Culture, Nigeria
Dr. Jay B. Haviser
Ministry of Education and Culture of the Netherlands